Felix Blanco’s journey with FICO began 47 years ago when he was just 22 years old. Newly arrived from Porvenir in Chihuahua, Mexico, Felix was looking for a stable opportunity to support his young family. His three uncles, Rodolfo, Jesus, and Leonardo, who were already working with FICO, introduced him to the company. They knew that FICO was not just a place of employment but a community that could offer Felix and his family a better future.

Felix started his career at FICO trimming trees. His dedication and eagerness to learn allowed him to explore other areas of the company, including irrigation. Over time, he rose through the ranks to become a farm manager. Today, he serves as the irrigation supervisor, ensuring that the trees receive the necessary water. He proudly takes responsibility for the beautiful green orchard seen today.

With deep emotion, Felix remembers working with Lane Brandt, who would fly over the farm with him, pointing out areas showing signs of stress and asking him to find solutions. Felix figured that loosening the ground in those areas would allow better oxygenation and water penetration. After implementing his solution, Lane took him on a second flight, pointed out the same areas, and said, “Do you remember how they were before? Do you see them today? Whatever you did, you did it right!” Felix also fondly recalls the unwavering support from the Walden family during challenging medical times with one of his children, for which he is forever grateful.

Felix and his wife Yolanda, married for 49 years, are proud parents of three grown sons, Luis, Felix, and Marco, and grandparents to Victoria and Rebecca. His work at FICO has enabled them to support their family and help their sons develop successful professional careers. He even had the opportunity to bring his sons to work when they were young, an experience they remember fondly as a strong character builder.

Felix is happy to see how work today is much easier than in the early days, thanks to better equipment, knowledge, and resources. The quality of work life has significantly improved.

While Felix is not yet ready to retire, he leaves that decision in the hands of God. In his time off, he enjoys spending time with his children, who are all fortunately located nearby, and going on outings with his wife. 

“Felix has long been a hard-working member of the FICO family.  Working long hours, often seven days a week, with the irrigation team takes patience and dedication.  We are very appreciative of Felix for all he has done for FICO for the past 47 years!”  Rich Walden, Farm Manager.


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